5 Essential Tips for Crypto Millionaire Success

5 Essential Tips for Crypto Millionaire Success The biggest Bitcoin bull run in the history of Bitcoin is imminent. Most people don't realize this. The Bitcoin ETFs are sucking up supply at a rapid, steady pace. In fact, you're going to start seeing a lot of advertising for Bitcoin and crypto very soon. Moreover, Bitcoin supply flow is months away from being cut in half. Cryptocurrency is the future. Most people don't realize this yet. Bitcoin is going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per coin soon. Bitcoin Company CEO Jack Merer explains exactly why this thing's going.

5 Essential Tips for Crypto Millionaire Success
5 Essential Tips for Crypto Millionaire Success

 5 Essential Tips for Crypto Millionaire Success

hundreds of thousands of dollars per coin. I mean, the US government is in so much debt. The way I think about bitcoin's price Bitcoin's price equals technology plus Fiat liquidity, so it's going to go up because it's innovative tech and it's better money, but what really shoots it up at a neck-breaking pace is, uh, when our government is tens of trillions of dollars in debt and has to roll that debt over, so they have a lot of money to print and financial assets are going to soar and Bitcoin goes up.


the most because it's the hardest to make more of it's over man this thing's going to the moon the host of this TV show actually cuts the guest off he was speaking too much truth I've never seen a host try to silence a guest like this just for talking about Bitcoin see for yourself currency is not the place to be huh Charles this would be my message to America give me a second on this one guys the US government's got about 10 trillion dollars over the next two years to roll over refinance that's debt our.


country's in debt it's a huge problem they got three options one they could pay it back it's not a real option because we don't got the money we're broke two our government could come out Charles and say you know what guys we screwed up after World War II we changed the way money worked we got off the gold standard we' issue debt all over the place we got way too cocky and actually all of our banks don't have your money they're in solvent all the airlines you fly and travel on aren't actually good.


Businesses that should be in business health care shouldn't actually be free. We screwed up, we piled on so much debt, and we screwed up the younger generation. We're in huge trouble, so we're going to have to let everything fail and reset this country. Now they're not going to do that. Are they Charles? They have a third option that is unique to the government: they could print the money that they're missing, and when they print the money that they're missing, they're stealing from all the people that hold US dollars.

Tips To Become A Crypto Millionaire


Tips To Become A Crypto Millionaire And so what they'll do they'll have to do is print dollars, and the only way to save yourself is to own, not dollars, and that's when you see things like the S&P 500 and gold and Bitcoin sore, and so that's what's going to happen over the next two years they gotta print three times more than they did during CO I love your enthusiasm, Jack. We're going to bring you back. I really, really do love your enthusiasm and your message. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us.


Quality altcoin projects like this continue to upgrade and improve, and these blockchains are now generating millions and millions of dollars in revenue. This is huge for sustainability, huge for project growth, and the interop operability projects connecting and talking to each other today is at a whole different level. Check this out. This conversation is fascinating because leaders in the emerging technology and AI space now understand that AI will be using crypto. Listen to this conversation. Tell me what you think.


Bitcoin is real, right? My question now is: You know, it's become mainstream to the point of ETFs. I think it's harder to go higher quickly now, unlike it was supposed to be that everyone can get in now and that all the ETF companies are going to need to buy Bitcoin to put it in the ETFs. To me, it's like if you bought it at $800 or $8,000, you were smart. You went through a lot of trouble to buy it. Now everyone can buy it. I think it's going to be here for a while. There's not going to be a whole new financial story driving it.


From the side of buyers, necessarily, although there's one type of buyer that could be very important here, AI agents are going to start doing a lot of things in our economy, and for AI agents to coordinate with incentive systems, they're probably going to use crypto, so if this AI story works out in certain consumer areas, especially for AI, yeah, do you know Kathy would be 500,000 a million, and that's a year I can't believe any yeah, for that, but is it, but they're not going to?


be tracking trading Bitcoin they might be using ethereum they might be using salano they might be using other other things those are the three those are the three they might use and they're probably all correlated at the end of the day and by the way make sure you subscribe to our channel daily article just like this keeping you informed on the entire cryptocurrency market if you're interested in making money in cryptocurrency subscribe to our channel daily article the 500,000 story for me Joe is more about.


macro question: are we going to be in a massive deficit in 25 and 26 and spending money Willy nearly irresponsibly? If so, what asset is safe? I mean, if you have inflation come up again, you have bonds sell off again with crazy government spending. That's a story I'm hearing from a lot of my friends who know macro better than me. You could see crypto do very well, like understand how much momentum crypto has right now. I don't think most people realize that in 2023, Ethereum gained 15.

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4 million new users polygon 15.2 million new users Bitcoin 10.7 million new users salana 5.6 million new users additionally, and this is interesting loyalty rates show the data shows that 86.9% of users stick to their first EVM compatible chain, so people tend to be chain loyal yet as developers branch out across chains and everything becomes more interoperable, user patterns are set to follow because the trend is clear, a multi-chain horizon beckons. This is crazy, even Bitcoin hater Jamie Diamond, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, even now.


says that he's going to shut his mouth about crypto. I can't believe he just said this. Do you believe him? Do you defend your right to do Bitcoin? I think you know it's okay. I don't want to tell you what to do, so my personal advice is don't get involved, but I don't want to tell any one of you what to do. In a free country, what do you make? What do you make of the other firms? The black rocks of the world, obviously, and L. Larry changed his view of this, and maybe he will.


changed his view because you think he genuinely believes in Bitcoin or gen or believed it because he thinks that there's a marketplace for it and he wants to be part of that market, but what do you think of the big financial companies? Fidelity included number one. I don't care, so just please stop about this. I don't know what he would say about blockchain versus currencies that do something versus Bitcoin that does nothing. It may not be different than me, but you know this is what makes a market. People have opinions.


Last time I'm ever going to state my opinion, so what is the best way to become a crypto millionaire over the next one to two years? Reminder article on this channel are never financial advice, just info and opinion, but here is how I would make $1 million this cycle. Number one: study the market every day. Follow along with our article. You can still easily become an expert at crypto if you put your mind to it. We are early. Number two: have a plan to realize profit. You don't want to go through this whole cycle without locking in profit.


Being said, number three has a huddle position for quality projects. I have huddle positions for coins like Bitcoin and ethereum, especially, but also coins like Salana injective chain link Mina and others. I'll be keeping a position in these coins for more than a cycle to some extent. Number four: scale out and scale in. I cost average in. I cost average out. This works for me. Number five: not your keys, not your crypto. This is very important in crypto.


Achieving crypto millionaire success is within reach for those who are willing to invest time and effort into understanding the market and making informed decisions. By following these essential tips  including conducting thorough research, diversifying investments, staying updated on industry trends, practicing risk management, and seeking professional advice  individuals can position themselves for long-term financial success in the world of cryptocurrency. Embracing a disciplined and strategic approach to crypto investing will not only mitigate potential risks but also maximize opportunities for substantial gains. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, it is imperative for aspiring millionaires to remain adaptable and proactive in their investment strategies. Take these tips to heart and embark on your journey towards becoming a successful crypto millionaire today!


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