DMAIL Airdrop Full guide: How to qualify for $DMAIL Airdrop?

DMAIL Airdrop Full guide: How to qualify for $DMAIL Airdrop? Let's not waste any time and hop right into the crypto airdrop updates from today because we've got a lot. So, the Jupiter claim will live tomorrow at 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Now, there are tonnes of scam links on Twitter. People are trying to steal your money, so make sure that you are checking the legit link. I'm just going to leave this tweet. This is the founder of the Jupiter exchange, okay? Follow the link in his tweet, and you'll be okay to recheck your allocations.

DMAIL  Airdrop  Full  guide
DMAIL Airdrop Full guide:

Then you'll be able to claim them starting tomorrow; however, there's no rush to claim; you'll be able to get your tokens up until the 31st of July, and this is going to be a significant event for Salana DEFI tomorrow and a pretty substantial injection of liquidity, so it's going to be interesting to see what happens. Okay, next up, we've got the email airdrop claim, which is life, so yesterday, I showed you how to check to see if you're eligible, and today, you can go to the email claim page.


Collect your tokens if you qualify. So, this is for people who interacted with the email network last year. Most of the snapshots were from December last year, and you had to have a significant history of sending messages on the email network, so if you were farming airdrops using email last year, you'd qualify if you collected over 12200 points. So you can go and collect your airdrops from email today. Next up, we've got an update on the ZK sync network, so they posted this today in collaboration.


With this hypercomic group, and right now, you can mint a bunch of NFTs from hypercomic based on the number of transactions you've completed on the ZK sync network. If you've done over 100 transactions on the ZK sync network, you can get the ZK sync King nft, and then the Hustler is 50 transactions. The worker is 30 transactions, so a bunch more NFTs will be released in phases based on the number of transactions you've completed on ZK sync and their length.

DMAIL Airdrop Full guide:


Time that you've been using it, so stay tuned for more mints. You might as well go and collect these because it's a free mint; it only costs a few cents for the gas fees, and who knows, maybe it will be part of their airdrop campaign. Next, we have announced that Celesia is partnering with Stark Net to support Layer 3. Are T speakers also going to be getting a stark token airdrop? That would be the icing on the cake of this, honestly.


This means this is not a confirmed airdrop; this is just speculation. But Celestia keeps on announcing partnerships, and people keep on announcing airdrops to Tia stakes, so at this point, I don't know what to tell you, but you already know you got to be staking some Tia all right next up. Zerol Lend announced today that Pyth stakes qualify for the zero token airdrop. This morning, I posted a tutorial on how to use the Zerol Lend application to farm this airdrop, and when I filmed, they hadn't announced this airdrop.


For Pye stakes, if you are staking Pye tokens and you linked your Ethereum wallet to the Pyth staking application, you can claim some points for the Zerol Lend airdrop as well, and this is the first confirmed airdrop for pipe stakes and hopefully the first of many. Okay, next up, the Swell Network launched their liquid lipid-breaking token. Previously, I've shown how you can farm the swell airdrop and the igen layer airdrop with their liquid staking token, but now they have launched a liquid-breaking token, so this.

It is similar to what Ethereum is doing with its liquid-breaking token, and it works by depositing ETH with the swell. In exchange, you get RSW ETH, which earns you pearls for the swell airdrop campaign, and IG points for the igen layer airdrop campaign. Now, in my opinion, it doesn't make sense to try and farm every single liquid-breaking airdrop because then you'll spread your capital out too much, you'll spend a lot more in transaction fees on the Ethereum main net, and it just won't be as capital efficient.

Dmail Airdrop - Full Guide 2024


I've been doing the liquid-breaking stuff with ether. I might expand to one additional protocol, swell or kelp, but I don't want to spread my capital out too much. It's impossible to know whether the swell airdrop will be better than every airdrop and vice versa, so you'll have to decide which of these you think is the best target and use of your money.


It was for people who traded nfts on the ETH L1 and had a claim period that was closed a while ago. The token was supposed to drop in one day, and they just said that they had extended the claim period because people complained that they didn't have enough time to claim, so they have reopened the claims, and they'll be pushing the main net launch in order to give people more time. This is a bit of a bummer because their claim period will probably be diluted slightly more, and their claim period was open for long enough.


That's my opinion anyway, but there's little to do but wait for this one. I don't necessarily expect that it's going to be super lucrative. Still, I was able to claim this airdrop on, I think, five different wallets because I had a little bit of an NFT Mania phase a couple of years ago, so if you ever traded nfts on the Ethereum layer one, then do go check to see if you're eligible and make a claim because they've now reopened it, and the final thing that I wanted to mention today is that the blast L2 has a testnet campaign.


On Galaxy, you can complete many social tasks, visit a few websites, and do a few things. If you want to check out this Galaxy campaign, you can get an oat and some points, which may help you qualify for a blast airdrop. Finally, this will be my last daily airdrop update until next Sunday or Monday because I'm going to an island with no Wi-Fi for a little while, so I'll be back soon. I scheduled a couple of to be posted while I'm gone, but if I'm not responding to comments here.


The DMAIL Airdrop is an exciting opportunity for crypto enthusiasts to get involved in a promising project. By following this comprehensive guide, participants can navigate the airdrop process with ease and ensure that they are eligible for rewards. With its innovative approach to decentralized mail services and blockchain technology, DMAIL has the potential to disrupt the industry and offer new solutions to users worldwide. As the airdrop progresses, it is important for participants to stay informed and engaged with updates from the DMAIL team. Don't miss out on this chance to be part of an innovative project - join the DMAIL Airdrop today and be part of the future of decentralized communication!



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